Septic Pumping

We offer septic tank pumping, locating, and custom pumping to fulfill residential, industrial, and commercial needs.

How your septic system works

A septic system has two basic working parts: a septic tank and an absorption field.

Wastes flow into the septic tank where they are separated into solids and liquids. The solids settle to the bottom of the tank and are partially decomposed by bacteria. Some solids float and form a scum mat on top of the water.

The liquids flow out of the septic tank into the absorption field, which is made up of perforated pipes that lay on a bed of gravel. The liquid from the absorption field is filtered and decomposed by micro-organisms in the soil.

To keep your septic system working properly, we suggest the following:

  • Do not put grease fats and oils into the system.
  • Do not run pesticides, herbicides, paints, household chemicals, automotive fluids, or other toxins down the drain.
  • Do not discard mop water into the system.
  • Do not flush items such as cigarette butts, disposable diapers, feminine hygiene products, hair coffee grounds, rags paper towels, or bandages.
  • Spread out wash loads over the week.
  • Do not dispose of citrus products (oranges, lemons, grapefruit).
  • Do not connect other water sources to the system.
  • Do not dispose of home brewery waste, strong medicines, or antibiotics.
  • Avoid using antibacterial soaps, strong disinfectants, or bleaches.
  • Do not route discharge water from water softeners into the system.
  • Use cleaning products that are non-chlorine, biodegradable, non-toxic, and non-corrosive.
  • Use detergents that are low-sudsing, low in phosphates, and biodegradable with washing soda ingredients.
  • Use fabric softener dryer sheets rather than liquids.